Their great herds roamed the ancient world, going back more than three million years.
Herds roam the far north of the entire continent and head counts run in the millions.
Herds of red deer and wild goats roam the glen.
Besides, there was always the chance that the children might have been eaten by wolves, of which large herds roamed about in winter.
During the 19th and 20th centuries, a herd of feral dromedaries roamed the area.
Small herds still roam free in the eastern Pennines.
A large herd of American Bison roam the park.
On the "open range," great herds of cattle roamed from place to place without borders or fences to keep them in.
A large herd of reindeer roam the island.
A herd of tame fallow deer freely roams the park, which is open to the public year round.