Since 2006, the park has had a Community Archaeologist as funded by the Heritage Lottery.
Many oral history projects are run by local groups, the majority of which are funded by the Heritage Lottery.
In 2005 the park received provisional approval for a major £5 million Heritage Lottery funded renovation project which involves the refurbishment and improvement of many of the park's features.
It was fully restored at a cost of £3.5 million with Heritage Lottery and European funding and reopened in September 2001.
The repair programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Tyne & Wear Partnership.
In July 2010 it was announced that the Heritage Lottery would grant the project £2.9 million to restore the buildings.
The trust submitted a funding bid to the Heritage Lottery in 1997.
He was the keyworker for the Heritage Lottery funded "Oral and Cultural Traditions of Scottish Travellers" project, from April 2002 until April 2005.
Following a £2.1 million grant from the Heritage Lottery to restore it, the park reopened on 29 September 2000.
England's Past for Everyone, commonly known as EPE, is a Heritage Lottery funded project run by the Victoria County History.