It is funded by the Natural Heritage Trust, and involves nearly 70 landowners.
Periodically, the Heritage Trust presents awards to outstanding preservation projects from across Mississippi.
The Natural Heritage Trust ceased to operate on 30 June 2008.
The Ethiopian Heritage Trust, a non-profit, non-governmental organization is working actively to change part of the mountain to its old state, a natural park.
The website and its database are available on CD from the Natural Heritage Trust.
The state will contribute $6 million from the Recreation and Natural Heritage Trust.
They are managed by the Government of Australia under the Natural Heritage Trust.
In the 1980s it was acquired by the Northern Heritage Trust, renovated and restored.
The Heritage Trust for the North West have numerous campaigns and projects in the area.
In 1998 control of the site was passed to the Island Heritage Trust, a local group which preserves historic sites in the area.