The High Inquisitor gaped at him, and the old man went on in a thoughtful voice.
Aside from the High Inquisitor, who by law may not take part, I hold the highest rank here after you, so with your permission.
The High Inquisitor was wearing his instrument pack but had his environment suit tied around his body.
"I had no choice," the High Inquisitor replied.
That with another scowl for the High Inquisitor.
Asunawa and his Questioners snatched their animals' reins, the High Inquisitor wearing a face of cold fury.
Odd reading for the High Inquisitor.
And the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has banned him from ever again playing Quidditch.
The High Inquisitor would not object.
Rhadam Asunawa might be the High Inquisitor, but he was still a Questioner.