The forest is one of the northernmost sections of the Highlands Province of the Appalachian Mountains.
No sword or spear laid waste to the Highlands Province, and none could have saved it.
Van Duyn, who'd expected reinforcements for the Highlands Province, saw that things would not go that way.
Hearing Van Duyn's news, you'd have had us all depart for the Highlands Province, is that not true also?
In the Highlands Province?
The Highlands Province will be untenable so long as Shardishku-Salam£ engages in Fabian policies.
Springbuck hadn't enough loyal men to reinforce the Highlands Province and, left near Earthfast, Midwis' host was potentially dangerous.
Until you reach the Highlands Province you march with arms reversed, without trump, drum or cymbal.
Somehow that made the scholar feel tired; he'd very much have liked to be back in the Highlands Province, building a life.
Finish what I started in the Highlands Province; I hate to quit anything like that.