Hill built his first Top Fuel dragster in 1963 using a Pontiac engine.
He registered as a lobbyist, he noted, even before the N.R.A. had its first people working the Hill to build the gun lobby.
Known for his vocal consistency, enthusiasm, and demonstrative lyrics in his recordings, Hill has built a strong reputation in North Carolina.
Hill also built a tannery just to the north of the mill, and the first store and house, as well as additional mills.
Before long Hill had added about thirty members in Leicester and had also built a close working relationship with the British Democratic Party in the city.
Hill built a house, which he called "Jervis" and was a member of the Nelson Harbour Board.
Hill originally built a home in the town of Crawford, New York, which he only lived in for two years.
You know, when Hill and Stevens built the Great Northern.
Eventually, Hill built a north-south rail line along the Deschutes River.
Between 1883 and 1889, Hill built his railroads across Minnesota, into Wisconsin, and across North Dakota to Montana.