The complex, in the Hill section, opened in 1986 and has become a symbol of pride and achievement for Puerto Ricans in the city.
Since it opened 18 years ago, the shelter has occupied a former convent on Columbus Avenue in the Hill section.
When the school moves into its new building currently under construction in the Hill section, it will accommodate 750 students, 25 percent of whom will be from the suburbs.
Like dozens of other urban neighborhoods across the nation, Davenport Avenue in the Hill section of the city has had its share of violence and grief.
Even so, trailers were still not permitted on the Hill section for safety reasons.
Like many of the children who live in the Hill section, Shawn Fernandez said he often dreams about escaping danger.
This area, known as "the Hill" section of Beacon Falls, contain various community buildings including the Town Hall, churches, and a school.
While canvassing the Hill section recently, she said, she was approached by a well-known drug dealer who cursed her and the program for taking away his customers.
The Hill section of New Haven is one of the city's most despondent.
One of the properties Ms. Coleman managed was a multifamily house on Hulburt Street in the Hill section.