When born goddess parvati has four arms and manifests a divine light which pervades the entire Himalaya region on the auspicious tritiya day.
In the Himalaya region, very asymmetric peaks may have VDs up to 100" (0.03 ).
The allegation calls into question a whole edifice of scientific papers describing the geology and fossil history of the entire Himalaya region.
It is endemic to the Himalaya region and includes distributions in Sikkim, India and Nepal.
He pauses for the merest instant of reflection, "or maybe not only in the Himalaya region.
Copper technology may date back to the 2nd millennium BCE in the Himalaya region.
It was also the first detailed and scientific survey of the Himalaya region.
The magazine debuted in 1987 as the bimonthly 'Himal', with a focus on the Himalaya region.
It is currently most prominent in the Himalaya regions and extends across all of Asia (cf. Mikkyō).
The plant is native generally to the Himalaya region, specifically to northern Myanmar and India (Assam).