In the Himalayan countries, the large number of bikshus would have made an almsround a heavy burden on families.
Ms. Salter first visited the Himalayan country of Nepal in 1967 as a tourist.
This is Himalayan country of 20,000 feet and up but the effect is of a model designed for a child.
Bhutan's king has married his commoner bride in a colourful ceremony in the tiny Himalayan country.
She also becomes involved in the acquisition of the small Himalayan country of Thulahn.
The two Himalayan countries are both landlocked, separated only by the Indian state of Sikkim.
Between 1960 and 1964 she travelled with her husband and son throughout Asia, including the Himalayan countries, during which she learned meditation.
The tea brick remains in use in the Himalayan countries or Mongolian steppes.
This Himalayan country faces several problems, including the issue of refugees from Bhutan.
This agreement, as one may easily imagine, represents hope for this little Himalayan country.