That was two summers ago, when Pakistani troops and militia seized Himalayan heights in the Kargil area of Indian-ruled Kashmir.
By devoted practice, application, grit and learning, Shri Chowdiah rose to Himalayan heights in the world of Carnatic music.
Swami Brahmananda's uncanny sense in solving even knotty problems and spiritual eminence of Himalayan heights took the organization to new levels of glory and development.
In actual practise he had much less of treading the Himalayan heights than of pleasing Mrs. Evans Riddle.
The changes that vary a planet's surface, Himalayan heights to gentle, blistering Sahara dunes, he knew only by report.
On the opposite side of this valley the earth leaped up in great sweeps and folds of almost Himalayan height to the red rocks.
The major is charged with refusing an order to attack Pakistani troops holding a Himalayan height inside Indian territory two summers ago.
They seem to be partly what slid down the sides of mountains to the east as they were being raised to Himalayan heights around 450 million years ago.
The landscape ranges from subtropical plains in the south to the Himalayan heights in the north, with some peaks exceeding 7,000 metres (23,000 ft).
Interpersonal intimacy reaches Himalayan heights.