Currently, there are about 2,422 students attending Alisal, with 98% of them with Hispanic ethnicity.
Cysticercosis is also found to be associated with Hispanic ethnicity, immigrant status, and exposure to areas of endemicity.
It consists of over 40 school organizations, and is home to mostly students with a Hispanic ethnicity.
The 2010 US Census included changes designed to more clearly distinguish Hispanic ethnicity as not being a race.
Over 8.5 million people claim Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.
(There is some evidence people of Hispanic ethnicity are at higher risk for early stroke.)
The distribution of gender, race, Hispanic ethnicity, and chronic medical conditions for controls was similar to that of cases.
Collecting and interpreting birth defects surveillance data by Hispanic ethnicity: A comparative study.
"Her Hispanic ethnicity is at most genetic and not cultural."
Bernard didn't understand why they had sent him the script, given his Hispanic ethnicity.