Crawford's first role with the studio was 1944's Hollywood Canteen.
In 1942, he became an air raid warden and also put in long hours at the Hollywood Canteen.
Each of the cast members was paid a $50,000 fee for their appearance which was then donated to the Hollywood Canteen.
The film's setting is the Hollywood Canteen, a free entertainment club open to servicemen.
Newspaper reports indicate Bauerdorf may have gone directly home from the Hollywood Canteen.
She also volunteered at the Hollywood Canteen where she would dance and talk to soldiers.
On September 15, 1943, the one millionth guest walked through the door of the Hollywood Canteen.
Fifty years after the closure of the Hollywood Canteen, a private business opened under the same name as a private restaurant and night club.
Among the many celebrities who donated their services at the Hollywood Canteen were:
The Hollywood Canteen was a studio-sponsored club for members of the military.