The Hollywood romantic comedy, at its apex in the mid-1930's and early 40's, was a sleek vehicle for philosophical inquiry.
Although it's no classic, it's a cut or two smarter than the average Hollywood comedy.
The latest Hollywood comedy to play house while playing with gender roles is easier to watch than believe.
Here is a Hollywood comedy that sports not only some superior wisecracks but also the long-term point of view of a moralist.
But his vision is sharp, his memory runneth over, and he has some decided opinions on Hollywood comedies.
The scene of dead body disposal was inspired from Hollywood black comedy Very Bad Things.
This film is loosely based on the 1997 Hollywood comedy Suicide Kings.
"When you look at the classic Hollywood comedies, there had always been college comedies," he said.
It was completely ludicrous and possibly the most uplifting end to a Hollywood comedy in years.
Her voice however survives in the many Hollywood comedies she made throughout the 1930s and 1940s.