He is a family man who doesn't care for the Hollywood lifestyle, devoted family man and caring human.
By the late 90's the guys in the band had grown tired of the Hollywood lifestyle and returned to the East coast.
This new direction saw an increase in celebrity programming, demonstrating the Hollywood lifestyle, and reality television shows.
The series follows the couple and their two pre-teen daughters as they live a hectic Hollywood lifestyle.
Mr. Warner acts as a strict father figure to James' Hollywood lifestyle.
Zach's ex-wife is a casting director, so he knows the score where the Hollywood lifestyle is concerned.
He was dressed fashionably for a Hollywood lifestyle.
She constantly needs to keep her husband's Hollywood lifestyle in check, and remind him that his personal life matters too.
Just as Stang's star was about to shine, he left the fast-paced Hollywood lifestyle behind to be with his family.
They wanted a taste of the Hollywood lifestyle.