Flying to the country was once reserved for tycoons and Hollywood luminaries, who were chauffeured to the tarmac and whisked aboard private planes.
Some after-hours socializing between Hollywood luminaries and their counterparts from la farandula also goes on.
The patients said they enjoyed visits from Chelsea, but they gave mixed reviews about her potential as a Hollywood luminary.
The program, titled as the "Western Premiere of Commercial Television", featured appearances from many Hollywood luminaries.
The call came in around midnight, and Leeza Tander-Tostenson, a personal assistant to a handful of Hollywood luminaries, knew who was calling.
When Hollywood luminaries are less self-indulgent, they are more self-congratulatory.
It began in the 1950's as a partnership between Charles Boyer, David Niven and other Hollywood luminaries.
Last summer, one unidentified Hollywood luminary shelled out $231,000 for a copy of the working script of "Citizen Kane."
Obituaries for Hollywood luminaries usually limn octogenarian actresses and septuagenarian directors.