The absence of drug-abuse plots or other standard Hollywood melodrama keeps the action fresh.
In a Hollywood melodrama, Ibrahim would most likely be a spiritually gifted black man.
A scene straight out of an early thirties Hollywood melodrama.
The action may take place in a thatched-roof courthouse on an Indonesian island, but the dialogue rings of familiar Hollywood melodrama.
Ron Lapointe wanted no suggestions of Hollywood melodrama.
After the unsuccessful Hollywood melodrama, Ash Wednesday, he filmed three Italian productions released in 1973 and 1974.
Like orphans in a Hollywood melodrama, they wait, fatherless and forlorn.
The threat of terrorists' getting hold of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons used to be the stuff of Hollywood melodramas.
Rolling Stone likened her to "an avenging angel out of a 1940s Hollywood melodrama".
Spielberg is a master at sentimentalising stories, prompting concerns that an already emotional work will be transformed into a shiny Hollywood melodrama.