This fully realized portrait is what makes "Mizlansky" more than just another barbed Hollywood satire.
This compulsive intellectual playfulness distinguishes the book from the familiar Hollywood satire; its satirical moments are, in fact, its least successful.
Robbins, he decided, must star in his Hollywood satire.
As a co-writer and director, Guest made the Hollywood satire The Big Picture.
The show is a Hollywood satire.
And the Hollywood satire that makes "Lady Killer" so lively could similarly have been saved.
It's a rare novel that balances Hollywood satire with true emotional resonance, which is why "The Hunt Sisters" is a higher achievement.
For all its experimental intentions, "Loudmouth Soup" feels familiar: a claustrophobic Hollywood satire that's short on kinesis and long on conversation.
They made brief cameo apperances as themselves in Robert Altman's 1992 Hollywood satire The Player.