I was just not comfortable in that Hollywood scene, other than the work process.
Dane did not participate much in the Hollywood social scene.
When she was knee deep in the Hollywood scene, she decided to create her own show using the internet as a medium.
By 1929 the familiar image of the lady with the torch was beginning to make an impact on the Hollywood scene.
She isn't into the Hollywood scene, but she is all about defining her fame against men.
These young gals are there because they can get ahead in the Hollywood scene.
Feeling at odds with her sexpot image, she began to question the Hollywood scene.
He is not part of the Hollywood social scene and has been married to the same woman for 26 years.
Powers left the Hollywood scene at the end of 1985, before the detective series was picked up again.
His success made the Reiners the center of the young Hollywood scene.