Himself a Methodist minister, he helped to establish the "Home Mission", but was forced to retire in 1828 after suffering a stroke.
In 1917, he became Chairman of the Committee of the Board of Home Missions.
It was commissioned by the Board of Home Missions of the United Methodist Church.
He was Honorary Secretary to the presbyterian Home Mission during the Famine in 1847.
He was secretary of the Irish Methodists' "Home Mission".
The organization was originally called the Council of Women for Home Missions, and its mission was to provide day-care for workers' children.
In 1876 there were 26 special collections taken for Home Missions, Foreign Missions and other local, national and foreign mission needs.
However, in 1910 he was elected Secretary of the Department of Home Missions of his denomination.
Larry Powel is the Director of Home Missions.
Rev. Walden served with the Ladies' Home Mission in Cincinnati (1862-64).