Scraps of fossils in East Africa suggest that the first Homo species evolved about 2.3 million years ago.
Tree climbing was one behavior retained by early hominins until the appearance of the first Homo species about 2.5 million years ago.
Extinct Homo species are known as archaic humans.
Because it was suggested that Oliver was member of the Homo erectus species, a pre-human vampire, Anita estimated his age at approximately one million years.
While such studies may tell us whether pre-modern Homo species had speech capacities, we still don't know whether they actually spoke.
Because of the features it shares with early Homo species, the authors also argue that the Homo genus evolved from sediba ancestors.
The final issue is that both of the above are especially acute when it comes to the earliest Homo species.
While some other, extinct Homo species might have been ancestors of Homo sapiens, many were likely our "cousins", having speciated away from our ancestral line.
All these factors according to McKenna were the most important factors that promoted evolution towards the Homo sapiens species.
Dr. Arsuaga speculated that the transition probably occurred about two million years ago with the first Homo species that began migrating out of Africa.