Honduran fans were roughed up, the Honduran flag and national anthem were insulted, and the emotions of both nations became considerably agitated.
She was registered under a Honduran flag of convenience.
Usually the cargo is broken down and sold off, then the ship reappears with false papers reregistered under a Honduran or Panamanian flag of convenience.
The Iranian national news agency said that revolutionary guards boarded an Iraqi ship flying under a Honduran flag on Saturday.
A few possessions could be seen through the blown-out windows: a baby blue mattress, a dart board hanging on a door, a Honduran flag covering most of a wall.
In 1947 United Fruit reflagged Platano from Panama to the Honduran flag of convenience.
The explosives were shipped to the Tigers aboard the Swene, another Tamil Tiger ship, this one flying the Honduran flag.
Military authorities said the ship had a Honduran flag, Egyptian crew and Lebanese owners.
The 250-ton tugboat Nadija, flying a Honduran flag, was stopped last Saturday somewhere west of the Israeli coast, the announcement said.
One hailed from Mexico, another from Brazil, while the third flew a Honduran flag but was owned by a company in Colombia.