A 25-year-old Honduran woman entered the room pushing her baby in a carriage.
She attempts to show, for instance, how the middle-class Western housewife is as exploited by male-dominated multinational policy as the Honduran woman working in the banana-packing plant.
"I don't know what this line is for," said 25-year-old Dilca Ravon, a Honduran woman who wanted to join her sister in New York.
Many young, attractive Honduran women have been drawn to the wealth they can earn as prostitutes for gringo soldiers.
Elba Digna Wood is a Honduran woman who lives in Nicaragua with her husband, a former commandante of the contras.
Just after 2 on Sunday morning, a newly arrived Honduran woman showed up at Elmhurst Hospital's emergency room, and doctors determined that she had an aggressive form of cancer.
Honduran women make them at home, using clay dug from pastures outside the village of Yarumela.
Honduran women and children are trafficked to Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, and the United States for sexual exploitation.
AIDS is the leading cause of death among Honduran women of childbearing age and is the second-leading cause of hospitalization among both men and women.
Glimpse the reality of honduran women.