Honest Abe, our investigative eye is now on you.
Many believe that it is a day for stories to be told of great honesty, such as honest Abe cutting down the cherry tree.
She turned away and closed up Honest Abe, then fired her finger at him.
By now, some 150 years since his first inauguration, it's hard to believe there's anything we don't know about ol' Honest Abe.
But he explains that if anyone said anything disparaging about "honest Abe," there would have been a "junior battle of Gettysburg."
Honest Abe was in the hallway, about six paces in, a Browning pistol at the unwavering eye level.
I apologized for holding up the line and slouched away as the cashier put Honest Abe into the register and closed the drawer.
But this is Nadal, a man who could out honest Abe and out earnest Borgnine.
"You mean Honest Abe the Rail-Splitter is a fraud?"
"But I am Honest Abe," Lincoln replied, with what Chase took to be a weak smile.