He completed another novel while teaching Honors English at Michigan State.
Advanced Placement English Literature is offered to seniors who have completed Honors English 11 and to other recommended students.
What came as an even greater surprise than the A+, the professor recommended me for Honors English the next semester.
Offerings include Honors English, Biology, Chemistry, World History, Geopolitics, and more.
Senior Honors English.
Then, some selected students will have the opportunity to take Honors English during their sophomore year.
Called Flying High by Honors English Featuring Lupe Fiasco www.youtube.com Produced by Kno...
New courses were introduced such as Honors English and Advance Placement Calculus.
Standard English classes are offered and generally mandatory for all students, as well as the option for Honors English in eleventh grade.
It was first written as his senior thesis in Honors English.