House and Senate members held the first of 20 public hearings, as lawmakers prepare to draw new district lines.
Some lawmakers say House and Senate members have sole responsibility for policing themselves when it comes to internal rules.
No House or Senate members from the United States attended.
These firms have also collectively given millions of dollars in campaign contributions to House and Senate members.
A few of the amendments are indeed likely to be changed when House and Senate members meet in conference to reconcile the two bills.
The bill then went into conference, where House and Senate members worked out various differences before a final vote by Congress.
House and Senate members began meeting in conference to debate how to reconcile their separate bills.
The salaries for House and Senate members would rise, to $23,500.
Every time the House and Senate members gather for a session, he'll send in troops to break it up.
Under his new offer, he would appear informally before House and Senate members next month along with other members of the executive branch.