On 30 July the House of Lords unanimously overturned the High Court ruling, stating that the decision to discontinue the investigation was lawful.
The House can overturn a Judiciary Committee vote in which the majority recom-mended against impeachment.
The House of Representatives, with a Democratic majority, ultimately overturned that result and sat Mr. McCloskey.
The candidate of the freemen was returned to Parliament, but on petition from his defeated opponent the House of Commons decided that only the corporation votes should stand, and overturned the result.
The House of Lords unanimously overturned this decision, rejecting the arguments from agency and fraud.
The House of Lords, England's highest court, overturned a previous ruling that barred people from collecting compensation for asbestos-related illness if they were exposed to the material by more than one employer.
Liberal leader Lester Pearson challenged Lambert's decision, and the House overturned Lambert's decision by a vote of 122 to 104.
He lost the election against Michael P. O'Connor for the 2nd congressional district in 1878 and failed to have the Democratic-controlled House overturn the election.
If the House had not overturned the sentencing commission's recommendation, the two forms of cocaine posession would have received equal sentences beginning on Wednesday.
The House of Commons had already rejected a similar measure, and would almost certainly have overturned a vote in favor of one by the Lords.