Various House members sought to defend the House position, in part in response to the requests of tobacco-state legislators and cigarette makers.
Sixty Senators have since supported the House position.
The church grew from 3,500 to 8,700 members while he and his wife Freida served at the Front of House position.
Republicans on both sides of the Capitol say the result may be closer to the House position.
They know it will take a net gain of only six Democratic seats to install Democrats in House positions of power, so they are giving to both sides.
It may be useful in driving the Senate toward adopting something closer to the House position, which calls for comprehensive regulation of employee health benefit plans.
It was not a compromise but a clear decision to accept House positions over a Senate bill that included no such terms.
After re-election in 2010, he was elected Vice Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, the fourth highest ranking leadership position in the House.
Since we are going to have to pass this with Democratic votes in the House, everyone knows that the compromise has got to be closer to the House position.
They are used throughout the entertainment industry and are normally placed at the Front of House (FOH) position or in a control booth.