From there they struggled across a forty mile desert to the end of the Humboldt river at the Humboldt Sink.
Humboldt Sink and the Humboldt River basin in Nevada.
Charlene found a place to park in a desolate area known as Humboldt Sink.
Evidence from these important archaeological sites suggests that Native Americans hunted and fished in the Humboldt Sink during wetter climatic periods.
The large rock shelter is north of modern day Humboldt Sink.
Lovelock Cave overlooks Humboldt Sink, a remnant of Lake Lahontan.
The human coprolites recovered from Lovelock Cave reveal that 90 percent of the diet came from Humboldt Sink.
Humboldt Sink, an intermittent extension of the lake to the south, crosses into northern Churchill County.
West of Lovelock, in the middle of the Humboldt Sink, the California Trail again splits into two branches.
It has no outlet to the ocean, but instead empties into the Humboldt Sink.