Others are Hummer owners; this year classes have been added for the new H2.
Even the Hummer owners drive the camp's H2's rather than their own.
These Hummer owners seem to have lost touch with reality.
It looks as if Arnold Schwarzenegger has the Hummer owners' vote sewed up, but even in California that's not enough to win an election.
For the last two years, fuel economy has been among the top 10 complaints of Hummer owners in J. D. Power's initial quality surveys.
Anyone else struck by the extremly low incidence of crossover between bloggers and Hummer owners?
And another Hummer owner said, the troops "aren't out there in Audi A4's."
On your Nov. 5 letters page, letter writers labeled Hummer owners "self-centered" and "conformists."
Hummer owners now have permission to feel inadequate.