Hungarian workers, for example, were sent to work in East Germany under a bilateral agreement between the two countries.
The settlement originates from the 19th century farm (salaš) of Kovilovo, inhabited by the Hungarian workers who built the embankment on the Danube's left bank.
Mr. Racz described Hungarian industrial workers as toiling without enthusiasm within a system whose rewards are scant.
Hungarian workers are also low paid.
Phillip Wodianer was a Hungarian communal worker; he lived at Szeged during the latter part of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.
Union was a central trade union organization of Hungarian and German workers in Slovakia.
Much hinges on how the approximately 1,000 Hungarian workers at the plant eventually do adapt to Japanese methods.
He left only to return with Hungarian workers to construct the hotel.
This area was named for the Hungarian workers.
In Paris he participated in the work of the First International, organizing German, Hungarian and other foreign workers within the city.