Arash had been a good dancing partner in the old days, but in the meantime she'd danced with Petris at the Hunt Ball.
Nicandra and her naughty girlfriend, Lalage, were dressing for the Hunt Ball.
On the morning of the Hunt Ball, Aunt Tossie made her descent to the kitchen where orders for the day would be given.
I assure you," Bubbles said, in the same dry tone, "that you'll be wrinkle-free and out of here in time for the Hunt Ball.
We're hoping to get past the Hunt Ball without the whole story coming out.
"I love Hunt Balls," the girl said.
The Assembly Rooms opened on 11 January 1787 for the Caledonian Hunt Ball.
At the Hunt Ball.
And then we used to give a dance every year and all our friends did the same, and the Hunt Ball, and people coming to stay.
But the grandest occasions were always the Hunt Balls.