Dino's, a seafood, steak and pasta restaurant in Huntington Village, is scheduled to open next month.
At 40 seats, the restaurant is larger than the storefront in Huntington Village.
What began as a jewel-box cafe on a side street in Huntington Village two years ago is now a family of three.
In Huntington Village, the average single-family home, with three or four bedrooms, sells for $300,000.
Butler's, a storefront cafe at 310 Main Street in Huntington Village.
Would-be diners checking out the address at 345 Main Street in Huntington Village will see no sign of a restaurant.
Closings The large number of restaurants in Huntington Village has been reduced by three.
The Maxwell Bradley's dishes can be ordered at sites all over Huntington Village.
It is not connected to the restaurant of the same name in Huntington Village.
The very first store they approached, a specialty gift store in Huntington Village, gave them an order for 125 bars.