He was 76 years old and lived on Hutchinson Island, Jensen Beach, Fla.
Hutchinson Island can be either of the following islands in the United States:
They know that nearby Hutchinson Island is still a shambles.
Two-bedroom condominiums on nearby Hutchinson Island cost $225,000.
Late on the evening of March 2, Grant's men were landed on Hutchinson Island.
Hutchinson Island also played a major role in the capture of Savannah during the American Civil War.
Demonstrators had to choose between Brunswick, the site of the environmental protest, or Savannah, near the reporters' center on Hutchinson Island.
The $650 million mixed-use project is proposed for the eastern end of Hutchinson Island, across the Savannah River from the city's 26-square-block historic district.
The museum is often the setting for social events and sits among the residential and business community on Hutchinson Island.
Hutchinson Island in particular is a major nesting area in Florida waters.