French troops have provided some help, but their role is limited by France's unsavory history of support for Hutu fighters.
Today, Hutu fighters who fled Rwanda in 1994 are preying there again, in a war that has dragged in at least eight other nations.
They said the Hutu fighters were low on ammunition and lacked allies.
During the fighting Uwilingiyimana tried to escape but was captured and killed by Hutu fighters.
Documents belonging to Hutu fighters show that Mobutu allowed the militants to ship large amounts of arms into the country.
As Hutu fighters who fled to Congo after 1994 return to Rwanda they are sent to the camp.
The 1999 accord mandates that the Hutu fighters be disarmed, though exactly how and by whom has not been settled.
The refugees included unarmed civilians and armed Hutu fighters who had been involved in the 1994 massacre of Tutsis in Rwanda.
As long as the Hutu fighters threaten Rwanda's security, Rwanda will prosecute the war.
But the road is currently a dangerous no man's land where skirmishes break out every day between rebel forces and Hutu fighters.