Either an agreement with the Hutu guerrillas or military intervention of some kind would be needed, they said.
But she is also scared of the Hutu guerrillas in the hills.
The attacks sent the Hutu guerrillas scurrying into the mountains.
He said he knew that many young men wanted to enlist in the army to protect the state against Hutu guerrillas.
Among the refugees, there are armed former Hutu guerrillas who could be considered a legitimate military target.
But he also began a drive to recruit Tutsi youth into the army to fight the Hutu guerrillas.
Rebel commanders sealed off the region from aid organizations and journalists, saying they were pursuing Hutu guerrillas.
Hutu guerrillas have stepped up a terrorist campaign against Tutsi civilians in the countryside.
He has said that rebel fighters skirmished with armed Hutu guerrillas among the refugees.
He says his troops only fired their weapons after Hutu guerrillas opened fire on them.