Codd then showed IBM customers the potential of the implementation of its model, and they in turn pressured IBM.
Demand for our microelectronics products - from both outside customers and internal IBM customers - far outstripped our ability to supply components.
Today, SHARE's membership of 20,000 represents some 2,300 enterprise IBM customers.
He even goes so far, as to claim that 'notionally, in the short term you could achieve the necessary revenue only with the IBM customers.
But such new technology no longer becomes tomorrow's standards, and could leave IBM customers locked into its proprietary standards.
True Blue referred to a loyal IBM customer, and business writers later picked up the term.
CP/CMS was available to IBM customers from 1968 to 1972, in source code form without support.
Define the major issues facing IBM customers.
Bell Laboratories, another important IBM customer, soon made the same decision, and rejected the S/360 for time-sharing.
In particular, IBM operating systems were available without additional charge to IBM customers.