Had to be drive 1 on an IBM 1401 system.
For that matter, there were no IBM systems in the small town.
The process described is that used in IBM systems.
This format was common on other (and now obsolete) IBM systems as well.
The 8106 was to have been the principal processor in the 8000 line, designed to bracket the performance of the IBM 7090 system.
The IBM system would take this a step further by allowing adverts to be shown that are specific to an individual.
The IBM 701 system was composed of the following units:
This is used even in large, fast computers, such as the IBM System z.
The IBM 1500 system and its learning environment was a modern step in the history of virtual learning environments.
The 0680 first shipped in 1979 on most IBM small systems and the low end of the System/370 as the 3310 direct access storage.