These three techniques - discouraging registration drives, purging eligible voters and imposing unreasonable ID requirements - keep showing up.
Reasonable ID requirements will improve the process and not disenfranchise voters.
ID requirements should allow for an expansive array of acceptable identification.
Maryland, along with several other states, was given an extension of time to comply with Real ID requirements.
Even before Missouri passed its new law, it had tougher ID requirements than many states.
The law failed to address many other deep flaws in the system, like routinely misapplying ID requirements and suppressing minority votes.
ID requirements, which vary widely by state, are complicated, and administered poorly.
Election officials should do more to educate themselves, and the voters, about ID requirements well in advance of the voting.
Republicans insisted upon stricter ID requirements as the price of a bipartisan bill.
Business owners in both countries say the added security provided by the jumped-up ID requirements won't compensate for the loss of tourism and consumer revenue.