The impact of IMF policies.
These resulted from IMF policies that forced the price of maize to double virtually overnight.
Ordinary Greek people have paid a heavy price for the consistent failure of the political and economic elites and the perverse persistence of IMF policies.
Brown had his faults but he helped steer IMF policy, pushed aid on to the global agenda and took the lead when banking was near collapse.
It looks like IMF policies don't work too well.
Hanke profits by betting on the failure of IMF policies.
First, these "lines of credit" are as-yet vaguely defined and may not differ significantly from current IMF policy.
The IMF policies did not help the Asian crisis.
Even if Russia does its homework, we cannot go on assuming that IMF policy will automatically put things right.
Flavia Dzodan: Argentinians are familiar with rape metaphors being used for IMF policies.