For example, IPCP is used in establishing IP service over the line.
Ixia provides converged IP services testing solutions - from the wireless edge to the Internet core.
Again, TA is independent of IP services.
These law school clinics are thus providing a much-needed service to independent inventors and small-entities that may not otherwise be able to afford IP legal services.
With Voice over IP (VoIP) services, you can make phone calls - even long distance or international ones - for free.
Voice over IP services providers' websites (such as Vonage)
The attack was halted when the company's IP service identified the source and blocked it.
Early providers of voice over IP services offered business models and technical solutions that mirrored the architecture of the legacy telephone network.
Customer metrics are especially important for telecom companies to understand consumer behaviors and create personalized IP services.
The full digital broadcast capacity is being used to deliver IP services which such as multicast streaming and datacasting.