The IQ difference between the groups, although only five points, was still present at age 12.
The authors were reported throughout the popular press as arguing that these IQ differences are genetic.
He goes on to say there is almost no evidence of a genetic link, and greater evidence that environmental issues are what determine IQ differences.
Stereotype threat conditions cause larger than expected IQ differences among groups.
Of other possible causes of these disparities in achievement, IQ differences were considered at length, but not found to be a significant factor.
The authors believe that average IQ differences between nations are due to both genetic and environmental factors.
Racial IQ differences are converging as the literacy skills within two populations become more equal.
"Although the environment is important in creating IQ differences, we do not know yet how to manipulate it"
The reported male-female IQ difference in Nyborg's work is about 8 points.
The factors responsible for the Flynn effect may be partly or completely behind national IQ differences.