He rewrote the messages summoning all IRA leaders in the district to a meeting where they were arrested.
Indeed, his stature as an IRA leader was crucial in selling the peace deal to the organisation.
However he was soon to begin negotiations with IRA leaders to recognise their authority and end the conflict.
IRA leaders want to create the coalition government before disarming.
IRA leaders saw in these events the beginnings of a republican revolution and the overthrow of the Free State.
Not once did Halloran take his eyes off the IRA leader.
IRA leaders such as Liam Lynch were prepared to accept this compromise.
She was a member of a committee of women which negotiated unsuccessfully with IRA leaders to avoid civil war in 1922.
Meanwhile, the IRA leader is sent to Australia in a witness protection program after he gives up some of his former colleagues.
A clinical clean-up operation - which took some time, I might add - was then ordered by local IRA leaders.