Had he heard about her romance with Ian White, the junior registrar?
Suddenly she was surprised that she could talk about Ian White without regret; surprised to find that it didn't hurt any more.
You've already admitted that was the cause of your break-up with Ian White.
Ian White says he's not surprised that his colleagues are looking into the matter.
Ian White - weekdays at noon, and weeknights at 5:30 p.m.
He completed a weekend double by winning Event 6 a day later after defeating Ian White 6-2 in the final.
The first was Ian White and second was Keith Rooney.
He soon returned to winning ways by taking another Players Championship title, coming back from 0-4 in the final against Ian White to triumph 6-5.
Ian White asked me if I could say anything about the overall costs, but I am not in a position to do so as yet.
Ian White, Director of Social Services, thanks for joining us.