Fairly certain that the Ibsen play is titled The Stronger, not The Stranger.
It was the first production of any Ibsen play in the United States.
"It was an Ibsen play, then, he attended last night?"
The ex-footballer laughingly admitted in the subsequent press conference that he had neither read nor seen the Ibsen play, yet, but now intends to.
Get a 2 for 1 offer on tickets to this Ibsen play at the National.
In 2009 the theater premiered this forgotten Ibsen play, exactly 150 years after the unfinished manuscript was written and set aside, making history.
He came back in 1989 with "An Enemy of the People," an adaptation of the Ibsen play.
Since 1998, the company has opened each season with an Ibsen play and celebrates this tradition with The Ibsen Festival.
As soon as somebody dies, it's as if you're in an Ibsen play.
And then, Arthur Miller had an adaptation of the Ibsen play, which has been playing in London recently and is doing very well.