One potential client, an Icelandic bank, wanted to visit.
Not everyone who made money over the past decade put it in Icelandic banks.
He was chairman of the failed Icelandic bank Kaupthing from 1986 to 1990.
The company is based in Luxembourg, and financed by an Icelandic bank.
October 10: Hampshire councils have £3 million invested in Icelandic banks.
Included the power to take over the running of Icelandic banks without actually nationalising them.
The bank was heavily affected by the collapse of the major Icelandic banks in October 2008.
Brown says he will meet officials to discuss the money a health charity lost through an Icelandic bank.
Since 2003, Icelandic banks no longer accept any coins denominated in aurar.
The investigation is expected to focus on a number of questionable financial practices engaged in by Icelandic banks: