As of 2008, it had 1,270 members, corresponding to 0.4% of the Icelandic population.
Another feature of the Icelandic population helpful to gene hunters is its relative homogeneity.
He is best known for his research on the origin of Icelandic population.
Comprehensive phylogeographic studies to determine the proper status of the Icelandic population have yet to be determined.
The constituency housed a large Icelandic population.
Since this breed has been isolated for several centuries, the Icelandic populations are highly inbred.
Further growth occurred after the war as the Icelandic population increasingly moved to urban areas.
The lack of agreement turned out to be caused by the fact that the region exists in two forms in the Icelandic population.
This was the greatest eruption in Iceland since the original settlement and naturally had a deep impact on the Icelandic population.
A milder scenario where precautionary measures prevent infection, 25% of the Icelandic population are infected and 1% die.