The English translations are based on the Icelandic text, which differs in some places from the Basque equivalents in the glossaries.
Njardvik is referenced in the following medieval Icelandic texts:
Mac Iceland encoding is used in Apple Macintosh computers to represent Icelandic text.
The Icelandic texts have been published in:
Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum (Fragment of a Saga about Certain Ancient Kings) is a fragmentary Icelandic text dealing with some legendary Swedish and Danish kings.
Soon Hallgrímur called on his young employee to assist him in philological analysis of medieval Icelandic texts and taught him Latin.
He did research on the Varangians of the Eastern Roman Empire for 25 years and completed shortly before his death an Icelandic text on the Varangians.
Íslenzk fornrit (founded 1928): publishes editions of Old Icelandic texts.
In 1958 the restaurant started advertising Þorramatur, which is the first mention of the word in Icelandic texts.
(Facsimiles of Icelandic text, Icelandic transcription, Danish translation, English translation of Vinland material and related material only.)