Images crowded into Thorne's mind.
Images of sunshine, scantily clad women and a nice vacation villa somewhere in the Greek Islands crowded his mind and he pushed them aside so he could get on with the job at hand.
Images crowd toward virtual gridlock, a frozen carnival of gnarled accuracies: "Autumn looks for herself in the sap and primitive vigor of the Durers and Breughels.
Images crowded her mind, vying for attention.
Images and fears crowded him close.
Images of his parents' faces and treasured memories of a life of love crowded into his mind, but he resolutely repressed them.
Fires . . . Image after image crowded the lens, and even Denoriel, not unaccustomed to pain and terror, winced away from the appalling scenes.
Images often crowd together.
Images have always crowded Bevan Davies' mind and in an effort to capture them he has been a photographer for many years.
Images of beaches and nightclubs crowded with revelers on Oct. 22, just as the cutbacks began, enraged southerners and reinforced stereotypes and prejudices that paint northeasterners as an indolent lot.