After a short stay in Swedesboro, he accepted a call to become rector of Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware.
Dyson's mother, Julie, is a pastor at the Immanuel Church of God in Germantown, Maryland.
He was buried in Bellows Falls in the graveyard of Immanuel Church.
Other landmarks include the Istiqlal Mosque, the Jakarta Cathedral and Immanuel Church.
Emmanuel Church or Immanuel Church may refer to:
Benjamin became pastor, teacher, translator of songs and books from English to Japanese and took charge of the missionaries from Immanuel Church.
It was built between 1821 and 1823 as the glebe house of the rector of Immanuel Church.
Later the Anglican Church's Ministry Among Jewish People used the Immanuel Church for its services until 1947.
In 1906 a plaque commemorating Friedrich Braun was fixed on the walls of Immanuel Church.
In 1977 Immanuel Church underwent a renovation, replacing the old windows and the pipe organ.