Mr. Moto is an Imperial spy for the Japanese government and often has to deal with people who accidentally get involved in his work.
Now, well-unless there was an Imperial spy in his army with the rank and authorization to carry such a sentence out, it was-It is less likely.
If I were an Imperial spy, I do not doubt I would be under great strain, and as for grief, we have only the Healer's word for that.
If Tycho was not an Imperial spy, then he wouldn't have been meeting with Kirtan Loor.
And they gave those words to me, when I agreed to become an Imperial spy, their agent in the heart of the underground.
If anyone tries, contact your nearest Imperial spy satellite.
He would, of course, be sent back to the emperor very shortly, since Praetor Narviat hardly going to allow even an Imperial spy near him.
Inos had invented stories where Andor had been an Imperial spy all along.
She turned out to be an Imperial spy.
Actually, she was really an Imperial spy, set to keep an eye on you, and you had to kill her in self-defense.